EFOY ProCabinet 4120SX Extended extreme conditions
EFOY ProCabinet 4120SX Extended extreme conditions
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EFOY ProCabinets 4120S and 4120SX provide off-grid power in extreme weather conditions.
They are suitable for installation in remote regions and to work in extreme weather conditions down to -40 °C. The EFOY ProCabinet is a standardized hybrid power solution fully integrated in a NEMA 3R weatherproof enclosure.
The EFOY ProCabinet 4120SX gives you more space for your equipment with the extended cabinet.
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More about the product
EFOY ProCabinets 4120S and 4120SX provide off-grid power in extreme weather conditions.
They are suitable for installation in remote regions and to work in extreme weather conditions down to -40 °C. The EFOY ProCabinet is a standardized hybrid power solution fully integrated in a NEMA 3R weatherproof enclosure.
The power supply includes up to two EFOY Pro 800 Duo or EFOY Pro 2400 Duo fuel cells, four M28 fuel cartridges and based on customer needs solar panels, solar charger and batteries.
The EFOY ProCabinet 4120SX gives you more space for your equipment with the extended cabinet.
EFOY ProCabinets are fully integrated outdoor energy solutions designed for self-sufficient, stationary power supply using EFOY Pro fuel cells – completely independent of the power grid. Each cabinet houses an EFOY Pro fuel cell and, depending on the application, can accommodate one or more fuel cartridges and batteries.
EFOY ProCabinets can be customized to meet specific requirements, offering ample space for individual installations. In addition to the standard solar charge controller, various components can be integrated, such as a GSM modem for remote monitoring or a voltage converter for power adjustments.
The cabinet is ideal for stand-alone operation or as a backup for an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). With a power consumption of 50 W, a unit equipped with two MT60 fuel cartridges can provide continuous power for up to 2,640 operating hours – or 110 days – without any user intervention.